Monday, March 3, 2008

I'm it...again

So I've been tagged and I hope you aren't all getting sick of learning about me! So here are the Questions.
1. 10 years ago:
2. 5 things on my to-do list today:
3. Snacks I enjoy:
4. What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
5. 5 places I have lived:
6. 5 jobs that I have had:
7. 3 of my BAD habits
8. 5 Random Things people don't know about me:
4 (or 5) people I tag:

1.10 years ago I was freshly married and trying to hurry and finish cosmetology school before i had Chase.
2.My to-do list is pretty short today, go to the Beauty Supply for my Mom, Go to Sherwin Williams and get small packs of paint so I can put together stiory boards, lunch with Susanna and maybe Amber, go to the gym & NOT slit my wrist because it just started snowing... AGAIN!
3. I enjoy all snacks except cheesey crackers, i.e. Goldfish, Cheese Nips etc.. My favorite right now is chocolate covered raisins. But I love baked lay's potatoe chips, natural cheetos, baby carrotts, snap peas, and fresh raw mango's, YUM! (Great now I'm hungry!)
4. If I were a billionare I would pay off my debt, (I know that's not very fun!) get a boob lift, travel extensively & shop like crazy!
5. Issaquah WA, Provo UT, Orem UT, Post Falls ID & Hayden ID
6. Teleperformance, Old Navy, Stylist, wife & Mommy
7. Interupting, I try not to but a thought pops into my head and can't seem to stop myself! I also eat out of boredom which explains why I can't seem to drop anymore weight. :( I clean excessively and while sometimes that's a good thing, I can get a little out of control.
8.I hate wet countertops, I also hate hair on countertops. I love to sing and wanted to be rock star when I was little. I love buying shoes but hate wearing them. (go figure) I have a celtic knot tattoed on my lower back and I have permanent makeup tattoes. I love to decorate our houses. I think it's so fun picking out paint and carpet and fabrics etc..
I tag Kari, Nicole, Cynthia & Mikelle


Andy and Yolanda said...

Looks like you'll have to come visit us in Ca or Texas to get out of that snow:) It's always fun learning more about you!