Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So, to update you all on our lives! We are still in Coeur d'Alene and we still love it. (It's easy to love in the summer.... winter? Not so much! :)) We are actually just starting a new home which we are VERY excited about! Although Brandon tells me not to get to excited as we are putting it on the market next week and we would never get to move in. To tell you the truth i'm rather conflicted about it! On one hand, if it sells we get the proffit and put into something else. But I've invested alot of time into designing this one and would be sad never to see it come to fruition. Only time will tell.
The boys are doing GREAT! Soccer starts in 2 weeks as does school. We are finally done with all the camps and lessons for the summer and have a few weeks to get ready, although things are crazy so it doesn't really feel like "time off"! They are sooo excited for school and have been nagging me for weeks to go buy school supplies.
Chase will be in 3rd grade this year. He is very bright and gets good grades. Not to mention he's a heartbreaker! He's also in Scouts. He has his Wolf and is almost done with his Duty to God. He is Mr. Responsibility. (Something about being the oldest?)
Davin will be in 1st grade and is excited about eating lunch at school. We of course, had to get him a really cool lunchbox. He's a great soccer player! (Something about practicing with Chase and other big kids makes playing with kids his own age easy!) He's EXTREMELY compettive and in all honesty is a pretty sore loser.
Bridger is my angel. He follows me everywhere these days and wants to "help" with everything. Even when I don't want his "help"! He is a very cheerful little fellow these days and I'm excited about having some time this Fall for just the 2 of us. My older boys each had some of that and I appreciate that time. I love watching him discover everything around him.
Brandon is super busy these days! He is still doing quite a bit of Framing contracting as well as Generaling. The combination adds up to ALOT of work!! He loves it though. Framing pays the bills for now and generaling gives him the freedom to do some creative things he REALLY loves. He is talking about taking some design classes in the future, since that is his true passion. (Besides me of course!) He is also the Wolf Den Leader for the Scouts (which he really likes) and is an Elders Quorum Teacher(which he really doesn't like).
I am just trying to keep up with everyone!!!! Between selling our house, building a new one, helping B with all the business stuff and keeping up a family it seems I never slow down. I'm also thinking of taking some classes in the near future. My problem is deciding which ones! I have it narrowed down to 3 choices, photography, music and nursing. i'll probably take a few of each and decide what I like best!
I suppose that is a fair update on our lives to start with!